Paperbacks, Hardcovers, Worksheets, different sizes and variety in conditions from good to used. Some books with quite visible wear or fading. Some inside pages excellent, some with wear. Reading books, workbooks, story books, rhymes, game books quizzes & magic tricks.1. 100 Games Around the World2. Amazing Magic Tricks3. Jump Rope Rhymes 4. Together We Are Together 5. The Magic Porridge Pot6. Ten Big Babies7. Let’s Go 4 Workbook8. Let’s Go 5 Workbook9. Let’s Go 1-6 Unit Quizzes10. Short Readings & Graphic Organizers11. Speech Navigator 12. Mrs. Wishy Washy13. The Jacket Wear In The Snow14. Last One Is a Rotten Egg15. Read to Tiger16. My Word Book17. Weather Words18. How to Say it Jesse Bear19. Berenstain Bears In a Fight20. The Long & Short Of It21. Old Bear & His Cub22. Kitty Cat, Kitty Cat23. There Is a Town24. School Zone Level 1: Jog, Frog, Jog25. Biscuit Wants to Play26. Biscuit Visits the Big City27. Biscuit Flies a Kite28. Kindergarten Count to 100